Leveraging Google Trends data for ultra-local tactical DOOH campaigns in 2024

Unlock the power of Google Trends data for ultra-local advertising campaigns in 2024. Learn to leverage insights, enhance targeting, and boost advertising campaign effectiveness.

Image article Leveraging Google Trends data for ultra-local tactical DOOH campaigns in 2024

In the wake of significant political events or major endorsements, data-driven insights can drastically shape advertising strategies.

Consider the recent endorsement of Kamala Harris by star singer Taylor Swift (shortly after the first presidential debate). Rand Fishkin (cofounder of MOZ and current CEO of Sparktoro) spotted that this endorsement wasn’t just a media moment; it resulted in a significant uptick in voter registration inquiries.

Simply using Google Trends, Fishkin showed that the endorsement resulted in a spike in voter registration searches that was more pronounced in certain States, like Texas and Florida, than in others like California.

What is the link with advertising and digital out-of-home (DOOH)?

Well, we'll show how to use the exact method showcased by Fishkin to plan ultra-local tactical advertising campaigns. The beauty of this is that it can be very simple and very effective (especially when using a platform such as glooh). 

The Power of Google Trends Data

Google Trends is a powerful tool that can provide real-time data on what people are searching for across the globe. This tool can be used strategically to craft ultra-local advertising campaigns. For example, analyzing Google Trends data following Taylor Swift's endorsement revealed significant spikes in "register to vote" queries.

By understanding these patterns, advertisers can create more targeted and timely campaigns.

Case Study: Taylor Swift and Voter Registration

Rand Fishking analyzing Tailor Swifts influence 1

Following the presidential debate, Taylor Swift shared an Instagram post endorsing Kamala Harris. This post generated more than 11 million likes ... and drove in a single day approximately 338,000 people to visit vote.gov. 

By looking up "register to vote" as a search term in Google Trends and actually using the data for analysis, Rand Fishkin has shown Swift's influence wasn’t equally felt across the country.

Rand Fishking analyzing Tailor Swifts influence 3

The spike in voter registration searches was more pronounced in certain states, like New Hampshire, Texas and Florida, than in others like California.

This data is invaluable because it allows advertisers to target specific regions where the message resonated most.

Rand Fishking analyzing Tailor Swifts influence

How to use Google Trends Insights to plan DOOH Campaigns

The principle behind using Google Trends data in political campaigns can be easily adapted for commercial purposes.

Whether you're promoting the latest iPhone 16 or a more budget-friendly Xiaomi alternative, understanding where your product is generating the most interest can inform your advertising strategy.

Example : Promoting the Latest Apple iPhone 16 in Belgium

1. Using Google Trends to nalyze search trends related to the iPhone 16

Here's a brief guide:

  1. Set the region: Belgium
  2. Time frame: Past seven days
  3. Look for the spike: Corresponding to the launch of the iPhone 16.
  4. Categories: Use filters for internet and telecommunications.
  5. Regions: Identify which areas or cities have the highest interest.

iPhone 16 belgium trends

Searches for the iPhone 16 surged more significantly in cities like Aubange, Evergem, and Stabroek compared to places like Mons.

This means there were more opportunities for conversions in these areas where the advertising campaigns could have had the strongest impact.

2. Creating Targeted Campaigns:

  • High-Interest Regions: Deploy more resources and advertising efforts in regions like Aubange, Evergem and Stabroek, where interest is highest.
  • Messaging: Tailor your message based on local interests and trends observed in the data.

3. Platforms:

  • Use DOOH platforms like Glooh to display localized ads in high-traffic areas.
  • Digital Campaigns: Use geo-targeted ads on social media and search engines. 

Case Study: Lab9 successfully promoted the iPhone 16 with glooh

Lab9 used ultra-local strategies for promoting the launch of the iPhone 16. Leveraging Google Trends, Lab9 identified key areas of high interest and partnered with glooh to target cinemas and golf clubs for the launch campaign:

  • 51 screens,
  • 6 days, and
  • over 110,000 contacts reached.

Lab9 iPhone16 Ad

Beyond Electronics: Broader Applications

The same tactics can be used for various industries.

Here are a few examples:

  • Fashion advertising: Promote local fashion trends by identifying regions with the highest search volumes for seasonal wardrobes or specific fashion labels.
  • Food and Beverage: Tailor campaigns for new restaurant openings or food product launches based on local interest in certain cuisines or dietary trends.
  • Travel: Use search data on travel destinations to target campaigns for travel packages where interest is peaking.

The Benefits of DOOH

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising, particularly through platforms like glooh, offers several significant advantages and should be considered as a new media form in its own right:

1. Unparalleled reach and visibility : glooh offers unprecedented reach in high-traffic areas

  • 83% of consumers on the highway notice OOH ads while driving
  • +13% in brand recall and trustability compared to online ads

2. Engagement and interaction : glooh transforms traditional OOH into an interactive experience

  • 66% of consumers say that DOOH encourages them to search online
  • 82% of consumers recall seeing a DOOH ad in the past month

3. Sustainability and local impact : glooh represents a more sustainable advertising option

  • For 1€ spent, DOOH uses between 0.1 and 0.15 KWh per year
  • Compared to TV (0.35 KWh per year) and traditional OOH (0.44 KWh per year)
  • 65% of the profits from DOOH are shared across local organizations, boosting community impact

4. Ultra-local targeting : glooh allows for precise, data-driven targeting

  • Combines the broad reach of traditional OOH with the targeting capabilities of digital media
  • Enables advertisers to create hyper-relevant campaigns based on local trends and interests

5. Real-Time Adaptability : Unlike traditional (D)OOH, glooh allows for real-time content updates

  • Campaigns can be adjusted based on current events, weather, or local events
  • Dynamic QR codes and SKUs can be updated in real-time, allowing for time-sensitive promotions or inventory management

With glooh, advertisers can tap into these unique advantages of DOOH while benefiting from advanced targeting, real-time adaptability, and dynamic interactive features.

For instance, the ability to display QR codes and SKUs dynamically not only increases engagement but also provides measurable, direct-response capabilities to DOOH campaigns, marking a significant evolution in out-of-home advertising.

These unique features create a bridge between physical advertising and digital commerce, enhancing the overall consumer journey.


Using Google Trends data to inform advertising strategies is not only innovative but also highly effective in creating ultra-local, tactical campaigns. By understanding where and what people are searching for, advertisers can place their messages in front of the right audiences at the right time.

Platforms like glooh can leverage this data to display targeted DOOH ads, whether it’s for political campaigns or the latest consumer tech. Embracing this data-centric approach can lead to higher engagement and better returns on advertising spend.


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