
Rentrée 2023 : le mot du fondateur

C'est la rentrée ! Notre fondateur Dimitri Themelis s'adresse à vous et vous fait part de sa vision pour les prochaines aventures de l'équipe glooh.

Image article Rentrée 2023 : le mot du fondateur

Dear Readers,
I hope that you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer.
Looking back in 2021, we started with our first POC in Nîmes, France. At that time, we had integrated 18 screens in an urban playground. Since then, we have carved out a unique space in the digital arena and onboarded tech investors and entrepreneurs. While we respect and value giants like JC Decaux & ClearChannel, our unique approach is demonstrating that advertisers are willing to add « something new »  when working on a digital-out-of-home media plan.
Our niche? Diving deeper beyond the streets and urban areas. By teaming up with smaller agile publishers, we have now extended our network to 15+ environments, reaching out +40M impressions every day cultivating captive audiences with contextual and local content.
As September draws near, I invite you to explore how glooh can support and amplify your online efforts in the physical world. Together, let’s chart new territories by unlocking digital-out-of-home where every screen is an opportunity to be seen.

Dimitri Themelis,

Founder of glooh.

Design sans titre (7)


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